hello, Everyone.
thanks for watch my new topic.
this time i get some problem after restore snapshot
pc A to B
this is what i want do
- make snapshot data by Computer A ( Rancher-desktop / online / k3s * 1.21.14 )
- move snapshot data to Computer B ( Rancher-desktop / offline / k3s * 1.21.14 (Cashed))
- Do restore A snapshot to B
but after restore, one problem accured
Cluster Dashbord >> NODE i can find 2 node
one is A PC’s name node and the other is B PC’s name node.
i think restored A PC’s snapshot so A PC’s name node is right one.
but Only B Node is [Active]
A PC’s Node state is [Unavailable]
“[node kubernetes io unrunchable=:NO schedule]”
“[node kubernetes io unrunchable=:NO execute]”
check Pods
there are error message
"0/2 nods are available 1 node(s) had taint { node.kubernetes.io/unrunchable,}
that the pod didn’t tolerate, 1 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.
how can i solve this problem,
please help
best regards.