I’m trying to move things over to the Rancher load balancing to get rid of all the ALBs I’ve been using in AWS, since they’re like $20/mo per ALB.
I flipped it all over, but I’m having some trouble with my path rules. Here’s my compose files:
version: '2'
image: rancher/lb-service-haproxy:v0.4.9
- 80:80/tcp
- 443:443/tcp
io.rancher.container.agent.role: environmentAdmin
io.rancher.container.create_agent: 'true'
version: '2'
scale: 3
start_on_create: true
- vaedrennan.com
- shendilavri.com
- accessiblesex.com
- alden.nu
- cialeah.com
- davidbridger.com
- daynahart.com
- jasblackthorne,com
- jasmeralia.com
- longarmquilting.ca
- mypatronpress.com
- nonnyblackthorne.com
- robert-sloan.com
- romancedivas.com
- stormerider.com
- twilightsdawn.com
- myauthorspress.com
- desertroseark.com
default_cert: windsofstorm.com
- backend_name: asex1
hostname: '*.accessiblesex.com'
priority: 1
protocol: http
service: accessiblesexcom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: asex2
hostname: '*.accessiblesex.com'
path: ''
priority: 2
protocol: https
service: accessiblesexcom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: aldene1
hostname: '*.alden.nu'
path: /wfm/*
priority: 3
protocol: http
service: aldennu/extplorer
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: alden1
hostname: '*.alden.nu'
priority: 4
protocol: http
service: aldennu/mt
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: aldene2
hostname: '*.alden.nu'
path: /wfm/*
priority: 5
protocol: https
service: aldennu/extplorer
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: alden2
hostname: '*.alden.nu'
path: ''
priority: 6
protocol: https
service: aldennu/mt
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: cia1
hostname: '*.cialeah.com'
priority: 7
protocol: http
service: cialeahcom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: cia1
hostname: '*.cialeah.com'
priority: 8
protocol: https
service: cialeahcom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dbr1
hostname: '*.davidbridger.com'
priority: 9
protocol: http
service: davidbridgercom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dbr2
hostname: '*.davidbridger.com'
priority: 10
protocol: https
service: davidbridgercom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dayna1
hostname: '*.daynahart.com'
priority: 11
protocol: http
service: daynahartcom/wpmu
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dayna2
hostname: '*.daynahart.com'
path: ''
priority: 12
protocol: https
service: daynahartcom/wpmu
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dra1
hostname: '*.desertroseark.com'
path: ''
priority: 13
protocol: http
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: dra2
hostname: '*.desertroseark.com'
path: ''
priority: 14
protocol: https
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: laq1
hostname: '*.longarmquilting.ca'
path: ''
priority: 15
protocol: http
service: longarmquiltingca/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: laq2
hostname: '*.longarmquilting.ca'
priority: 16
protocol: https
service: longarmquiltingca/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: map1
hostname: '*.myauthorpress.com'
path: ''
priority: 17
protocol: http
service: myauthorpresscom/wpmu
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: map2
hostname: '*.myauthorpress.com'
priority: 18
protocol: https
service: myauthorpresscom/wpmu
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: mpp1
hostname: '*.mypatronpress.com'
priority: 19
protocol: http
service: mypatronpresscom/wpmu
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: mpp2
hostname: '*.mypatronpress.com'
priority: 20
protocol: https
service: mypatronpresscom/wpmu
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: nonny1
hostname: '*.nonnyblackthorne.com'
priority: 21
protocol: http
service: nonnyblackthornecom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: nonny2
hostname: '*.nonnyblackthorne.com'
path: ''
priority: 22
protocol: https
service: nonnyblackthornecom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: rd1
hostname: '*.romancedivas.com'
path: ''
priority: 23
protocol: http
service: romancedivascom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: rd2
hostname: '*.romancedivas.com'
priority: 24
protocol: https
service: romancedivascom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: rs1
hostname: '*.robert-sloan.com'
priority: 25
protocol: http
service: robertsloancom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: rs2
hostname: '*.robert-sloan.com'
priority: 26
protocol: https
service: robertsloancom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: shend1
hostname: '*.shendilavri.com'
priority: 27
protocol: http
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: shend2
hostname: '*.shendilavri.com'
priority: 28
protocol: https
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: shend3
hostname: '*.twilightsdawn.com'
priority: 29
protocol: http
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: shend4
hostname: '*.twilightsdawn.com'
path: ''
priority: 30
protocol: https
service: shendilavricom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: vae1
hostname: '*.vaedrennan.com'
priority: 31
protocol: http
service: vaedrennancom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: vae2
hostname: '*.vaedrennan.com'
priority: 32
protocol: https
service: vaedrennancom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: wose1
hostname: '*.windsofstorm.com'
path: /wfm/*
priority: 33
protocol: http
service: windsofstormcom/extplorer
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: wos1
hostname: '*.windsofstorm.com'
priority: 34
protocol: http
service: windsofstormcom/wp
source_port: 80
target_port: 80
- backend_name: wose2
hostname: '*.windsofstorm.com'
path: /wfm/*
priority: 35
protocol: https
service: windsofstormcom/extplorer
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
- backend_name: wos2
hostname: '*.windsofstorm.com'
priority: 36
protocol: https
service: windsofstormcom/wp
source_port: 443
target_port: 80
indirect: false
mode: insert
nocache: false
postonly: false
healthy_threshold: 2
response_timeout: 2000
port: 42
unhealthy_threshold: 3
interval: 2000
strategy: recreate
However, when I go to http://alden.nu/wfm/ I get content from the aldennu/mt service, not the aldennu/extplorer service.
Partial screenshot from the Rancher UI: