HI All,
I’m using 0.49 version and I would like to setup it behind AWS ELB and RDS MySQL, but I’m getting following error:
time=“2015-12-08T23:16:59Z” level=fatal msg=“Unable to start event router” error=“websocket: bad handshake”
I’ve configured also Proxy Protocol to enable WSS traffic but nothing change… any idea?
Proxy Procol ref:
Hi @miticojo,
The UI also uses websockets to dynamically update. Can you check whether the UI is successfully making websocket connections?
To do so:
- Open up rancher in your browser
- Open up the developer tools for your browser and go to the network tab,
- Refresh the browser.
You should see a request to /v1/subscribe. Was it made successfully and is the response code to that request 101 “Switch Protocols”?
Also, can you give a little more information about your setup:
- Are you running rancher in HA mode or in single server mode? If in HA mode, is the websocket proxy container up and running successfully?
- Do you have any other proxies between rancher-server and your ELB?
Hi @cjellick, thanks for your response!
from external connections it seems to work well: I’ve got a 200 for wss://rancher.************.com/v1/subscribe?eventNames=resource.change&include=hosts&include=instances&include=instance&include=loadBalancerConfig&include=loadBalancerTargets&include=loadBalancerListeners&include=instanceLinks&include=ipAddresses&projectId=1a5 in my browser
but from server container I still have wss errors:
time=“2015-12-09T16:03:04Z” level=info msg=“Initializing event router” workerCount=10
time=“2015-12-09T16:03:04Z” level=error msg=“Failed to subscribe to events.” error=“websocket: bad handshake” responseBody=“{"type":"collection","resourceType":"subscribe","links":{"self":"https://rancher..com/v1/subscribe"},"createTypes":{},"actions":{},"data":[],"sortLinks":{"eventNames":"https://rancher..com/v1/subscribe?eventNames=physicalhost.create%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=physicalhost.bootstrap%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=physicalhost.remove%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=ping%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&sort=eventNames"},"pagination":null,"sort":null,"filters":{"eventNames":[{"modifier":"eq","value":"physicalhost.create;handler=goMachineService"},{"modifier":"eq","value":"physicalhost.bootstrap;handler=goMachineService"},{"modifier":"eq","value":"physicalhost.remove;handler=goMachineService"},{"modifier":"eq","value":"ping;handler=goMachineService"}]},"createDefaults":{}}" responseHeaders=map[Server:[Jetty(9.2.11.v20150529)] X-Api-Account-Id:[1a6] X-Api-Client-Ip:[] X-Api-Schemas:[https://rancher..com/v1/schemas] Content-Length:[825] Content-Type:[application/json; charset=utf-8] Date:[Wed, 09 Dec 2015 16:03:04 GMT] Vary:[Accept-Encoding, User-Agent] Connection:[keep-alive]] status=“200 OK” statusCode=200 subscribeUrl="wss://rancher.****.com/v1/subscribe?eventNames=physicalhost.create%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=physicalhost.bootstrap%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=physicalhost.remove%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService&eventNames=ping%3Bhandler%3DgoMachineService”
time=“2015-12-09T16:03:04Z” level=error msg=“Unable to start EventRouter” Err=“websocket: bad handshake”
time=“2015-12-09T16:03:04Z” level=info msg=“Exiting go-machine-service…”
I’m using an ubuntu ec2 instance with docker 1.9 connected in a VPC network without any proxy, only ELB.
@miticojo It should say 101 Switching Protocols
, not 200
. Besides Proxy Protocol, you need the listener and target in ELB to be TCP/TLS, not HTTP/HTTPS because they don’t support WebSockets in HTTP mode.
Ah sorry guys…
I’ve changed ELB to TCP/TLS and now it works as expected! 
Thanks for your precious help!
My next step is try to test HA conf… I will keep you updated! 
@miticojo check out https://github.com/SungardAS/particles-rancher.
Even if you don’t use condensation the CloudFormation scripts can be used by clicking the ‘Launch Stack’ buttons.
It will give you HA multi-node rancher with Zookeeper, RDS MySQL, Elasticache Redis autoscaling groups and load balancers.
Thanks but I’d like to setup all with 3 AWS instances + RDS… and I’ve almost finished but HA documentation need to be changed and explained using some beautiful schema.