I tried again and noticed that the Key Pair Name that is listed is the same as I used to name the instance: The key I use for SSH is call InstanceMGMT. The name of the instance in this case was Graylog-SV02.

Below is a copy of the API: i have removed the credentials.
“id”: “1ph7”,
“type”: “machine”,
“links”: {
“self”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7”,
“account”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7/account”,
“hosts”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7/hosts”,
“actions”: {
“bootstrap”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7/?action=bootstrap”,
“remove”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7/?action=remove”,
“error”: “…/v1/projects/1a5/machines/1ph7/?action=error”,
“name”: “Graylog-SV02”,
“state”: “creating”,
“accountId”: “1a5”,
“amazonec2Config”: {
“region”: “us-west-1”,
“instanceType”: “t2.small”,
“securityGroup”: “rancher-machine”,
“zone”: “c”,
“rootSize”: “40”,
“accessKey”: “XXXXXXXXXXXX”,
“secretKey”: “XXXXXXXXXX”,
“vpcId”: “vpc-6fe62f0a”,
“subnetId”: “subnet-b163dfe8”,
“ami”: “ami-3e394d5e”,
“sshUser”: “ubuntu”,
“iamInstanceProfile”: “Docker”,
“sessionToken”: null,
“spotPrice”: null,
“authCertificateAuthority”: null,
“authKey”: null,
“azureConfig”: null,
“created”: “2016-01-20T01:39:33Z”,
“createdTS”: 1453253973000,
“description”: “graylog”,
“digitaloceanConfig”: null,
“dockerVersion”: null,
“driver”: “amazonec2”,
“engineEnv”: null,
“engineInsecureRegistry”: null,
“engineInstallUrl”: null,
“engineLabel”: null,
“engineOpt”: { },
“engineRegistryMirror”: null,
“engineStorageDriver”: null,
“exoscaleConfig”: null,
“externalId”: “fc517ac2-9930-4ce8-8e45-39f692d4f05f”,
“kind”: “machine”,
“labels”: {
“Cluster”: “graylogSV”,
“openstackConfig”: null,
“packetConfig”: null,
“rackspaceConfig”: null,
“removed”: null,
“softlayerConfig”: null,
“transitioning”: “yes”,
“transitioningMessage”: “Machine is running, waiting for SSH to be available…”,
“transitioningProgress”: null,
“ubiquityConfig”: null,
“uuid”: “b07074ff-1784-4793-b8f4-769a11fb2c92”,
“virtualboxConfig”: null,
“vmwarevcloudairConfig”: null,
“vmwarevsphereConfig”: null,