Example baremetal app install?

Has anyone succeeded installing any of the library apps onto a bare metal Rancher 2.x install ?

I have managed to get R2.3.5 to install on RancherOS 1.5.5 but am struggling to get to grips with the processes needed to access any of the applications from outside the server.

If anyone knows of a step-by-step guide to setting up one of the library apps on R2.x with an ingress controller that permits the app to be accessed on a specific port on the bare metal server then I would be grateful for a link.


That would be a “no” then, would it ?

Hello @Boo,

Did you use the search bar with “bare-metal” or “baremetal” keywords ?
You would have found several post about it.

Have a look to :

In order to expose apps, who might use several options as:

  • Nodeport
  • Ingress ( Envoy, Istio, Nginx, Traefik)

Basicaly, you might found useful do give details about your current setup in order to have proper answer.

Enjoy Rancher :slight_smile:

[quote=“Boo, post:1, topic:16656”]I have managed to get R2.3.5 to install on RancherOS 1.5.5 but am struggling to get to grips with the processes needed to access any of the applications from outside the server.

If anyone knows of a step-by-step guide to setting up one of the library apps on R2.x with an ingress controller that permits the app to be accessed on a specific port on the bare metal server then I would be grateful for a link.[/quote]


C’mon Zwordi, admit you didn’t read my post :smile:

As I said, I have installed ROS 1.5.5 and R2.3.5 OK but cannot access any applications from outside the server. I have since seen some posts on MetalLB and Traefik but have still not succeeded in getting these to permit access to an app outside the server eg as a webserver.

What I really would like is a full step-by-step guide to how to use Traefik and MetalLB to access eg the PhpBB app installed on the “Default” workload from outside the server so I can use it as a webserver for one of my domains. As an example, any other app would do but ideally a webserver or similar.

Thanks to all who have tried to support me on this forum,

@Boo you’re almost right which mean i’m almost wrong :wink:
You and I have the same goal using tools like rancher, traefik & metal lb.

Currently i’m not working on the metallb topics which i’m looking to have working using ipv6.

For the traefik side, i have it working for months on my server. I’m still building piece by piece my apps, my authentication mecanism ( authelia) and my security side.

You can find here my other post about how to setup traefik http://forums.suse.com/t/tutorial-traefik-2-0-baremetal-rancheros-hetzner-ovh/15768

About what your saying about app i can only guess that you’re speaking of helm charts. If you have only one node likee you will have to deal with storage issue and understand what you want to do.

Sorry for the mistakes as i’m replying from my phone.

-------- Message d’origine --------
On 28 févr. 2020 à 18:43, Boo via Rancher Labs < rancher@discoursemail.com > a écrit :