Install convoy volume driver

I tested convoy volume driver with RancherOS and it works fine! Changes are persistent, services can share persistent convoy volumes (for example apache container as /var/www/html and ssh container to change web content).

But my convoy plugin wasn’t installed reboot save.
How can I

  • persistent save /usr/bin/convoy and /usr/bin/convoy-pdata_tools?
  • start convoy daemon an RancherOS startup?

Could it added as RancherOS os-service? Or how to install it native in RancherOS?

+1 Did you find any solution yet?

I build an quick and dirty, but working docker image to use with RancherOS system-docker.

I have some improvements in mind, but need a way to start the convoy container before (user-)docker. I know how to start it after another container (just with a container link), but not how to start it before…