I’m trying to install this on Bhyve and I seem to just get stuck in the grub bootloader. How do you get this thing booted on *hyve?
might be late but i’ve successfuly installed rancheros on freenas 9.10 following coreos instruction here : https://imil.net/blog/2016/06/21/CoreOS_on_bhyve/
replace grub-cd0.cfg content with:
linux (cd0)/boot/vmlinuz rancher.password=rancher rancher.state.autoformat=[/dev/sda,/dev/vda]
initrd (cd0)/boot/initrd
replace grub-hd0.cfg content with:
linux (hd0,msdos1)/boot/vmlinuz-v0.5.0-rancheros console=tty0
initrd (hd0,msdos1)/boot/initrd-v0.5.0-rancheros
And replace OS install instruction with RancherOS ones (sudo ros install …)
Hope it helps
Running FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p10 GENERIC amd64
I installed iohyve
and put this to /etc/rc.conf
iohyve_flags="kmod=1 net=em0"
This will autoload required modules. Acording to iohyve setup you need to specify start command where you define network card and pool you want your hivez to live:
# iohyve setup pool=tank kmod=1 net=em0
Next you pull in latest CD:
# iohyve fetch https://releases.rancher.com/os/latest/rancheros.iso
Install bhyves grub loader:
# pkg install grub2-bhyve
For next steps you will neet two consoles open, one will start vm, second will attach to session to complete install:
iohyve create rancher 100G
iohyve set rancher loader=grub-bhyve ram=8G cpu=4 con=nmdm0 os=debian
iohyve install rancher rancheros.iso
Now switch to second terminal and type:
iohyve console rancher
Just press Enter if there is no input cursor, You should then see:
Starting console on rancher…
~~. to escape console [uses cu(1) for console]
Now when you are in grub issue this commands:
grub> set root=(cd0,msdos1)
grub> linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.14.138-rancher ro rancher.password=MySecretPassword
grub> initrd /boot/initrd-v1.5.4
grub> boot
You will start boot process of RancherOS, then login with user rancher and password from above command:
ros-sysinit:info: RancherOS v1.5.4 started
Linux 4.14.138-rancher
RancherOS #1 SMP Sat Aug 10 11:25:46 UTC 2019 rancher ttyS0
docker-sys: lo:
rancher login: rancher
Next you create cloud-config.yml:
[rancher@rancher ~]$ vi cloud-config.yml
and insert something that fits your network, mine ssh key is at .ssh/id_rsa.pub:
- ssh-rsa ThiSloNgStringFromSSHKEY
dhcp: false
Next step is to check config yaml and start installation:
[rancher@rancher ~]$ sudo ros config validate -i cloud-config.yml
[rancher@rancher ~]$ sudo ros install -c cloud-config.yml -d /dev/sda
You should see something like this:
INFO[0000] No install type specified…defaulting to generic
Installing from rancher/os:v1.5.4
Continue [y/N]: y
INFO[0025] start !isoinstallerloaded
INFO[0026] trying to load /bootiso/rancheros/installer.tar.gz
Loaded image: rancher/os-installer:latest
INFO[0026] Loaded images from /bootiso/rancheros/installer.tar.gz
INFO[0026] starting installer container for rancher/os-installer:latest (new)
Installing from rancher/os-installer:latest
mke2fs 1.45.2 (27-May-2019)
64-bit filesystem support is not enabled. The larger fields afforded by this feature enable full-strength checksumming. Pass -O 64bit to rectify.
Discarding device blocks: done
Creating filesystem with 26213888 4k blocks and 26214400 inodes
Filesystem UUID: edbfaaa2-900c-4758-a8ec-941b8db9ff64
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (131072 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: doneContinue with reboot [y/N]: y
INFO[0035] Rebooting
INFO[0035] Setting reboot timeout to 60 (rancher.shutdown_timeout set to 60)
…[1] reboot:info: Setting reboot timeout to 60 (rancher.shutdown_timeout set to 60)
.=.[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /docker : d0dc40e8c38e
…C…[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /ntp : 6a9f3c8a269c
.>.[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /network : 06583eef61c9
…<…[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /udev : 2022f2d3cc6a
.B.[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /system-cron : 34c0f89e323c
…>…[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /syslog : f4947287051c
.<.[ ] reboot:info: Stopping /acpid : 6a4b0deacf01
.acpid: exiting
.I…[ ] reboot:info: Console Stopping [/console] : 26be4e958484
…[ 787.439005] reboot: Restarting system
But wait, it is not over yet You have to go back to console one where you started iohyve (just press enter to exit some notifications), and create
(next to device.map file). Just cd in /iohyve/rancher
set root=(hd0,1)
linux /boot/vmlinuz* printk.devkmsg=on rancher.state.dev=LABEL=RANCHER_STATE rancher.state.wait console=tty0 ro rancher.password=aZAFxJ2C2wzS6nEq
initrd /boot/initrd*
Just last tweak before you start vm:
iohyve set rancher os=custom
iohyve start rancher
If you did not close two opened terminals, one should present you with rancher login.