Sorry for the long reply! So I’ve been continuing to research this topic since it is critical I find a way forward. Hopefully my findings here will spark some comments from others that are more knowledgeable on the customization of the Kubernetes stack. And for anyone stuck in the same boat, hopefully this will send them down the right path or at least keep them from going down a dead end road (river?)
So to begin, some k8s articles suggest simply adding the flag “–enable-custom-metrics” to kubelet. This is supposed to cause custom metrics to be gathered from cAdvisor (see this page). Unfortunately, support for this has been removed in recent versions of k8s. I am using Rancher 1.6.14 and Kubernetes 1.8.
It appears that now the only way to get custom metrics to work with the HPA is to use the custom metrics API. This requires several steps:
–requestheader-client-ca-file=path to aggregator CA cert?
–proxy-client-cert-file=path to aggregator proxy cert?
–proxy-client-key-file=path to aggregator proxy key?
–kubeconfig OR --master
For me, my main obstacle at this time is how to pass these flags to the appropriate ks8 component. As stated in my previous post, the environment template only permits passing additional flags to kubelet. I’ve exported the configuration of the kubernetes stack and can see several other default flags passed to the kube-controller-manager and kube-apiserver as well as anything I may have passed to kubelet via modification of the template. It looks like I’m on the right track…
So next I tried starting with a new Rancher environment (orchestration set to “cattle”) and tried adding a stack using the exported k8s configuration (docker and rancher compose ymls). I made no changes to the configuration at this time. But as hosts come online and services begin getting deployed, things just get stuck, forever spinning. It is on my to-do list to analyze what is struggling to start.
Since the above approach hasn’t worked, I’ve also tried digging around the Rancher API to see if there is some way to modify the default template (stack?) to have my desired flags to begin with but no luck there. I even searched the running Rancher Server container to see if it is stored on disk somewhere but I’m unable to find it. I’m not sure where to go next. Possibly a custom catalog? I’ll probably investigate that next. If that works I’m not sure how feasible that would be for me though since final production environments may not have internet access.
That’s it for now. I’ll keep digging but I’m really beginning to run out of ideas. @Parth6288 and I can’t be the only ones to require this capability… Someone out there must know if I’m on the right track or if it simply isn’t supported at this time.
Thanks for reading and any help that can be provided!