I just started to use Rancher 2.6.5
Didn’t monitor and touched it for a week and users started to report slowness. Actually it’s impossible to work with it at all.
Most of the kubectl commands return errors like this:
Unable to connect to the server: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Main dashboard is not shown from UI – just loading , but UI allows to display nodes, pods, namespaces, etc.
Longhorn, Grafana, Prometheus are not opened in a new windows – just loading is started.
What is the cause can be this issue? What you can suggest to check?
Thank you
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I’m facing the same problem.
My rancher 2.6.8 runs on top of eks.
Main dashboards take about 1.40 minutes to load and sometimes the page just freez.
Could you describe the size / tech specs of your nodes ?
I’m running Rancher on K3s with 4GBRAM & old i3 CPU and it’s not slow for me.
Hi have the same slow issues with Rancher 2.6.11, specially on pods view.
Even if we apply a namespace a filter, you can see that rancher load all pods infos but display only pods of the selected namespace

Why don’t really limit requests of pods to the selected namespaces ?
I’m facing the same problem.
I’m using Rancher Desktop 1.9.1 on Windows 10. Sometimes it gets extremely slow to just right click on Rancher icon on system tray to open the context menu. And much longer to exit the application. Everything is slow, from main window to Cluster dashboard.
Have the same with rancher v2.8.5, when I run rancher ps on a cluster it timesout with the following message: Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers
, but then I restart my client and it may work fine again. once it is cached it is fast.