is there any way to force gnome to use xorg.conf xorg.confd.d configuration files?
what i notice, gnome overrides xorg.conf configuration
like when i set the left and right monitor , or set 2 monitors to clone, the gnome settings overrides it.
i am using
SLES 12 sp2 x86_64
gnome-shell 3.20.4
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Hi ncr_archie,
is there any way to force gnome to use xorg.conf xorg.confd.d configuration files?
no, as these two don’t correlate, to my best knowledge.
what i notice, gnome overrides xorg.conf configuration
Sounds to me like you may be mis-interpreting what you see - unlike changing the xorg.conf configuration, it’s overriding the xorg.conf settings:
like when i set the left and right monitor , or set 2 monitors to clone, the gnome settings overrides it.
My bet is that Gnome uses the RANDR extension of your X server to control these aspects.
I’m not into Gnome (why waste compute power for graohical interfaces when I can have a CLI
), but a quick search found Attic information on a file ~/.config/monitors.xml, where the RANDR configuration is said to be stored for Gnome. Depending on your actual use case, deleting that file might reset the Gnome configuration back to default?